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Our School

Year 10 Students

Once the new Year 10 iPad scheme is launched it will be compulsory for all Year 10 students to have an iPad in school.  Until then using an iPad is desirable.

Students can provide their own iPad as an alternative to joining our scheme (see Personal iPads below):


Year 10 iPad Programme

Students can only join a school scheme at the start of the programme.  Invitations have been sent out to all eligible students before the October half-term holidays. Students are not eligible to join a school scheme if they are already enrolled in a scheme, or they owe a repair fee to the school, or have Leave at School Status.

Y10 iPad invitation Letter October 2024

Rossett School Y10 iPads for Learning Agreement v Sept 2024.docx


Personal iPads

If you are or wish to provide your own iPad for use in school please email and complete our iPad consent form using the link below


* Please note that the responsibility for maintenance and repair of personal iPads falls to home. There is no option to repair it through the school's repair service, which is for school iPads only. 

Loan iPads:

Loan iPads can be provided from available stock in school and are modified for school-use only.  They are not available for purchase and must be returned to school on leaving or joining a future iPad scheme. Where possible we would aim to provide a device that is the same model or generation as their peers. It is allowed home as long as none of the rules are broken.

Loan iPads are subject to the same terms and conditions as scheme iPads, including the payment of a repair fee should it get damaged.  Please view our repair T&Cs to see what is and isn't covered and our repair process.  Please note it is not possible to repair the iPad anywhere other than through school, and that the iPad is not to be removed from its case other than by a member of the iPads or IT Services team in school. 

We allow one repair for every 12 months the iPad is in the student's possession. Should this allowance be exceeded, the iPad would not be allowed home.  

To request a loan please email and return a completed iPad consent form (see link below):