Behaviour Policy: Anti-Bullying
What is bullying?
“Bullying is the wilful, conscious desire to hurt or threaten someone else”
- There are different types of bullying:
Psychological (being excluded from groups and rumours)
Cyber (abusive text messages, internet messages)
Verbal (threats, name calling and racism)
Physical (punching and kicking)
- Any behaviour that is a deliberate regular attempt to harm, threaten or upset another is bullying.
What is being done?
- The issue of bullying will be included in lessons and class work e.g. Drama, English
- Bullying will be addressed during form time and PSHE
- Staff will supervise main “hang out” areas for students during break and lunchtime
- The Student Council often discuss new ways to prevent bullying
- The Sixth Form ABC (Anti-Bullying Committee) look to ‘hear’ the cases of individuals accused of bullying
Who to go to for help:
- Year 7: email your Listener
- Year 7-Year 11: contact your Director of Learning or Student Support Officer
- Year 12/13: contact the Director of Sixth Form or Deputy Director of Sixth Form
- Any other member of staff that the student trusts
What will happen if bullying is reported?
- The victims will be talked to along with other witnesses
- The accused “Bully” will be talked to, to get their version of events
- Everything said will be kept confidential, where possible
- Other staff, students and parents will be involved, where needed
- Parents/carers will be kept fully aware
- A record will be placed in all the involved students’ files
- All students will be made aware that such behaviour will not be tolerated
- Bullies will receive sanctions according to the school’s Behaviour Policy and may be put forward to the Sixth Form anti-bullying committee
The websites listed below offer direct links to other sources of information for parents and young people.
Useful information and links on LGBTQ issues.
Advisory Centre for Education:
Registered charity independent of central or local government giving free advice and support to parents of children in state schools.
Anti-Bullying Network:
Established by the Scottish Executive. Useful links and reviews for teachers, parents and students on bullying and related issues.
BBC Schools:
Includes information about bullying.
Bully OnLine:
Information on bullying for teachers, children and schools which details the legal procedures available. This site also lists support groups for teachers.
Bullying Online:
Useful information and links on bullying and related issues for parents, children and teachers.
Primarily a helpline for children but has useful information and links on bullying. Chips (Childline in Partnership with Schools) encourages schools to support students in setting up anti-bullying projects.
The Children’s Society:
‘Bullying! Information for parents on how to help your child’ – leaflet giving information and practical guidance.
Advice for children, parents and teachers as well as training and sample policies.
Schools Out!:
Campaigns for better support networks for gay and lesbian students and clearer guidance for teachers on issues of sexuality.
Aims to provide easy access to the best educational websites including information on bullying for teachers, parents and young people.