ACA Opportunities
Here is a selection of the many activities on offer:
- Mandarin after school sessions for Years 7 and 8
- Weekly Debating Club plus Red Kite inter-school and national debating competitions.
- EPQ for sixth form and early entry for year 11 students
- Rotary Technology Competition
- Sutton Trust Summer School (offering Year 12 students an insight into undergraduate life)
- Computer Club (Scratch programming)
- Maths Challenge (National Competition)
- STEM club and CREST award (Science, Technology, Engineering Maths)
- Numerous sporting activities with specialist coaching opportunities
- Frequent and diverse music and drama activities
AMA steering group
There are termly meetings at Rossett where AMA representatives from each faculty meet to exchange ideas of how to stretch and challenge students further in the classroom.
Rossett Sixth Form AMA
Rossett Sixth Form, we strive to support the needs of our Academically More Able students. From the very start of year 12, we identify our academically more able students based on their GCSE grades. These students then have regular meetings with Mrs Bulmer (AMA coordinator) who promotes with them the importance of super-curricular activities such online lectures, courses, and work experience. Rossett Sixth Form has strong links with Brasenose College at Oxford University and St Catharine’s at Cambridge University. We receive regular updates from these colleges about events and talks. We also run an overnight trip to stay in one of these colleges once a year to inspire our students.
In year 13, Mrs Bulmer works one to one with each student to help prepare them for interviews and help write their personal statements. We also invite staff from Oxford and Cambridge to run workshops at school on the application process and interview technique. The school also supports students in the completion of entry exams. We also ensure all students have the opportunity to do mock interviews with subject specialists before their real interviews, utilising subject specialists from across the Red Kite Learning Trust. As a small Sixth Form, we can provide each individual student with a high level of support and advice with daily checking ins. For further information in relation to AMA support, please contact our AMA coordinator, Mrs Bulmer via
Academically Most Able students
These are students who are able across all their academic subjects. We use the following criteria to identify these students:

These are students who have a particular aptitude for a specific subject. This is especially relevant for the practical subjects (PE, DT, Music, Art & Drama) but could just as easily be applied to any non-practical subject (e.g. Maths or MFL).
These students will be predominantly catered for (including stretch and challenge in the classroom, extra enrichment opportunities and tracking and monitoring and subsequent interventions) by the identifying departments. All subject areas at Rossett are aware of who their talented students are and are encouraged to nurture and stretch these students.