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Rossett News Update - 28 April 2023

Tim MilburnHeadteacher Appointment

We are delighted to announce the new Headteacher of Rossett School as Mr Tim Milburn.  Mr Milburn was selected from a large and talented field of candidates to lead our school to excellence.  Mr Milburn brings a wealth of experience and expertise particularly from his time as a school leader at Harrogate Grammar School; a consistently 'Outstanding' school serving our local community.  We are looking forward to  seeing the school flourish under his leadership, ably supported by our dedicated leaders, teachers and support staff.  Mr Milburn will begin his work as Headteacher immediately.

Mr Milburn said: "I am delighted to have been appointed Rossett School's fifth Headteacher and I would like to thank the Governing Body for entrusting me with this privileged position.  I have been fortunate to have already spent a lot of time in school, getting to know our staff and students and have been made to feel so welcome.  This time in school has allowed me to see, first hand, the dedication, commitment and care of our staff.  I have also met many students who embody the best of Rossett.  They are responsible, resilient and ambitious to be the best version of themselves.  As the new Headteacher I look forward to leading the next chapter of Rossett's history, working with you, in our pursuit of 'success for everyone'.

Rossett Heroes

Our Rossett Heroes this week are Zac Allen in Year 11, Hannah Buck in Year 10, Jai Birdi and Louie Hogg in Year 9 and Larissa Medd in Year 8

This week a member of the public – who has no idea about Rossett Heroes and has no connection to the school - felt compelled to phone the school office to tell us of an act of kindness that she was on the receiving end of. Last Friday she walked to the bus stop to catch a bus and found a large group of teenagers at the stop, which she found a little intimidating. Within that group was our very own Jai in Year 9, who noticed that she was looking a bit anxious, went to speak to her to ease her worries and helped her onto the bus. This lady said that Jai was ‘extremely polite’ and that he really went out of his way to help her. Jai, this is amazing because you were just being kind for kindness sakes to a complete stranger, this affects all of us because acts like this impact the reputation of the school and we could not be any prouder of you. You are a Rossett Hero!

Larissa was nominated by Miss Bettison who says that she is ‘always so pleasant around school and she is extremely kind, caring and patient. Larissa always works hard to make sure that everyone feels included. We need more people like Larissa in the world!’ Larissa, you really help to make others happy and to make the Rossett community a caring place – you are a Rossett Hero!

Hannah was nominated by Miss Tolliday who says that Hannah has really ‘helped a new student to settle into her English lessons and into life at Rossett as a whole’. English is a second language to this new student so English lessons can be a little tricky but Hannah has been ‘caught numerous times explaining the plot of An Inspector Calls in a really accessible way. She has even written notes to explain the film version of the play and passed them to the new student to check she understands what is going on.’ She has done all of this without ever being asked to do so. Hannah, for making Rossett a welcoming place for new students and for being incredibly kind, you are a Rossett Hero!

Zac was nominated by Mrs Bowman for, ‘working really hard to help some of your classmates to revise for their languages speaking GCSE exam. You shared your knowledge and time by giving lots of helpful tips to your classmates. You also volunteered to come into school early and go first on the examination schedule.’ Zac, you really helped your class and Mrs Bowman, so you are a Rossett Hero!

Louie was nominated by Head of Year 9 and PE teacher Mr Fell who happened to be covering a Year 9 IT lesson. Mr Fell says, ‘students were making rollover buttons on Adobe Fireworks and I needed a reminder of how to do this.’ Louie helped  Mr Fell and showed kindness, patience and selflessness to help the rest of the class to have a successful lesson. Louie spent most of the lesson going around the class to help his classmates to complete the work. Louie, we’re grateful for your IT skills but we’re especially grateful that you chose to use them to help everybody – you are a Rossett Hero!

To find our next Rossett Heroes, we need you! Do you know of any member of the Rossett community that deserves recognition as a Rossett Hero? No matter how big or small you believe the act to be, we want to hear from you - every nominated person will be recognised and congratulated even if they don't make it into the newsletter that particular week.  

 Please email Mr Otway if you have witnessed or experienced an act of kindness that we might not be aware of.  

 "Remember there's no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end." - Scott Adams 

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Headteachers AwardFriday 5 Headteacher's Awards

Well done to all of the students who received a Headteachers Award this week.  These students have been nominated by members of staff for exemplifying Rossett School's 4Rs culture of  learning.  This week's winners are:

Megan Horner (Year 7)

Lily McIntosh (Year 8)

Benedict Ideh (Year 8)

Mayson Skelton (Year 9)

Anwen Murray (Year 10)

Dan Batty (Year 11)

Senior Physics Challenge Success

Physics students from Rossett School recently took part in the British Physics Olympiad Senior Challenge.  The  Olympiad aims to encourage the study of Physics and recognise excellence in young physicists through their annual Physics and Astronomy & Astrophysics competitions.   The Senior Physics Challenge is a one hour thought-provoking paper designed to test students' problem solving abilities.

We were delighted that all of our students did well in the competition but incredibly proud to report that Patrick Fleming was awarded a highly coveted 'Gold' in the competition and also achieved one of the highest scores in the country. Patrick was one of only five students from around 6000 who took part to be  invited to attend the BPhO Annual Awards ceremony to receive his certificate, which took place at the Royal Society, London yesterday afternoon.  Patrick sent us this report of the event:

"I went to the Royal Society to receive an award for scoring very highly in the Senior Physics Challenge. The Royal Society is the main scientific institution in the UK, contained in a historic building in central London. When we arrived we had a look around at the many portraits of previous fellows and heads of the society since it was founded in 1660. There were lots of other students there from across the country who were receiving different awards, including teams from the International Physics Olympiad. It was really inspiring and I would like to try and be on the team next year. I then received my certificate and a book on superconductors alongside the other 4 students from the Senior Challenge. We then enjoyed an interesting lecture about identifying cancer with optic technology, before heading back to the train. It was an amazing experience to talk to so many other physicists and receive such a prestigious award."

Patrick Fleming 2

Patrick is pictured second from left with other high achieving young physicists.

New Rewards Initiatives

This week, students have been informed about a range of new rewards initiatives which aim to recognise the vast majority of our students who consistently demonstrate the exceptional standards of behaviour and effort we expect. The main new initiatives are:

  • Exceptional Learner Lottery: Students who complete the full set of exceptional learner tokens before the end of the school year will receive a limited-edition enamel Rossett pin badge. They will also be entered into the 'Exceptional Learner Lottery' which has a range of fantastic prizes including a Nintendo Switch Lite and £50 Amazon vouchers. 
  • Class Currency: Tutor groups are competing to collect the most exceptional learner tokens. The winning form from each year group will receive a lesson off timetable with Zorbing and other treats. The overall winning form will be awarded a fully funded cinema or bowling trip during school time before the end of term.
  • Rewards trip to Flamingo Land: we are thrilled to be able to offer the opportunity for students to celebrate their hard work this year with a day trip to Flamingo Land. For full details please see the separate letter which has been sent out. The first payment is required by 5th May to ensure your child's place on the trip. 

flamingo landNintendo lite

Acoustic Night

Well done to all of our students who performed at Acoustic Night on Thursday and many thanks to those who attended to provide a warm and enthusiastic audience. It was a fantastic evening with lots of 'stand out' performances and with music ranging from Bruno Mars to Kate Bush to Tchaikovsky, and all points in between.

It was great to see students performing both as soloists and as part of our extracurricular groups and from Year 7 all the way through to Year 13. The music department would like to say a special thank you to our outgoing Year 13 Music students Nia Bell, Casey-Leigh Pycock and Charlotte Wormald who have treated us to many great performances over their years at Rossett School.

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Serpent of the SandsLRC News from Mr Asker

I am delighted to announce that on Friday 26th May, and in collaboration with our good friends 'Imagined Things' bookshop, all students in Year 7 will get to hear an hour long talk and presentation by award winning children’s author Vashti Hardy as she talks about her new book The Serpent of the Sands. A new adventure in the Brightstorm Chronicles series, Serpent of the Sands follows Princess Gan in a leap of faith in a race against time! In a fun and interactive talk, Vashti will introduce children to the Brightstorm world and inspire them to create their own fantasy worlds.  This promises to be a brilliant event and we are all looking forward to it very much.  If you would like your Year 7 child to get a signed copy of this book then please see the recent letter sent to you for further details. More information about Vashti and her books can be found here

Here in Rossett LRC HQ it has been busy with Year 7 and 8 classes coming in for their LRC visits and it is wonderful to see students heading for their favourite authors or genres and then settling to read quietly. I do quite a good librarians “sshhhhh” but it is rarely needed these days which is very encouraging.

I wish you a bookish weekend when it comes.

Mr Asker

PS My thanks to Oscar in Year 8 for his very kind donation of a book published by his neighbour.  'Some were Lucky' by Eric Goodwin.  It is great to be able to add this to our library stock.

Next Week's Fixtures

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Just BCommunity Notice

The counselling service, Just B are offering a free workshop in supporting young people with anxiety. (Please note this workshop is for parent/carers only and not young people). The event will take place online via 'Zoom' on 3 May at 6.00pm.  Please click here to sign-up for the event.


We're hiringCurrent Vacancies

We have some exciting vacancies at Rossett School, including term time only and non-teaching roles. Click HERE for further details.

Lunches logoLunch Menu

Click here for next the lunch menu for the first week back at school.

What's happening this term...

Monday 1 May

  • Bank Holiday

Tuesday 2 May

  • NEU day of industrial action:  Years 9,10,11,12 + 13 in school

Saturday 6 - Sunday 7 May

  • Bronze DofE Practice Expedition

Monday 8 May

  • Bank holiday

Thursday 11 May

  • Year 13 Graduation Ceremony, Main Hall

Monday 15 May

  • Year  11 and Year 13 study leave commences

Saturday 20 - Sunday 21 May

  • Bronze DofE qualifier expedition

Friday 26 May

  • Year 7 Author Event
  • Last day of half term