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Rossett News Update - 25 May 2023

Mr Milburn Shares Vision for Rossett School

On Thursday evening, Mr Milburn, our newly appointed Headteacher, and  members of the Senior Leadership Team, welcomed parents to a meeting to hear about their vision for the future of the school.  Mr Milburn spoke fondly about his time spent as a student at Rossett and of how impressed he has been by the students and staff he has met during his secondment at the school.

Mr Milburn acknowledged that Rossett School has been through some difficult times of late, saying "It is important that we acknowledge these challenges and work together to build a bright and successful future for our school.  Our children deserve to experience exceptional teaching, to benefit from outstanding opportunities and to thrive in a happy and safe environment".

Drawing on his experience, knowledge and skills, gained in his previous posts at four large secondary schools, Mr Milburn is confident he can successfully navigate Rossett School  through this next chapter and assured parents that, by working together, Rossett School will be a thriving provision for this community, focusing on its vision of success for everyone.  Please click here to read the full press release for further details.

Leadership photo May 2023

Exceptional Learner 'full house' for two students

Two Year 7 students are the first in the school to have completed the full set of Exceptional Learner Tokens this academic year. Chloe Pomeroy and Elliot Haywood have been awarded exceptional learner tokens in every subject they study, in addition to the coveted Reflective, Resilient, Respect, Responsible and Headteacher's awards. 

Mr Milburn met with the students today to congratulate them on such an outstanding achievement. Both Chloe and Elliot were presented with a limited-edition Gold Rossett pin badge and are now entered into the Exceptional Learner Lottery. Students entered into the lottery have a chance of winning some fantastic prizes including a Nintendo Switch Lite and £50 Amazon vouchers. 

All students still have the remaining half term to try to collect the full set of Exceptional Learner Tokens. Prizes will be drawn at the end of the summer term 

Exceptional Learners

Rossett Heroes

Maybe the sunshine has triggered a lovely outburst of kindness or it’s just that the saying at the bottom of our weekly Rossett Heroes article is true and previous acts of kindness have created ripples. But whatever the reason, we have had a record number of nominations from both students and staff this week. We are lucky to have so many magnificent students at the school and rather than choosing a few, we thought we’d have a bumper Rossett Heroes to end the term:

Year 7Mr Bulmer has nominated Nicky Caine for being ‘ever so polite, always has a smile on his face and holds the door open for people on the corridor. Nicky is a real Rossett Hero.’

Year 8 - Pratha Devke has been nominated by four of her classmates who stated in a joint email that, ‘We have witnessed Pratha’s amazing actions, she always puts a smile on everybody’s face and helps her classmates whenever she can in all lessons.’

Ms Dean nominated Max Palatinus for taking care of our new starter in Year 8, being kind and helping them to settle in.

Chloe Blackburn has been nominated by a classmate who noticed her helping a friend who was having a tough day, being supportive, helping them with their work and ‘just being really nice and a great friend’.

Charlie Tempest was nominated by a classmate and a teacher who witnessed his behaviour being incredibly kind to a friend this week.

Lily Clee was nominated by a classmate who said, ‘she is always so kind and happy and keen-to-lend-a-hand when needed.’ Her classmate went on to give a specific example when a new student recently joined the year group and Lily asked the new student to teach her some phrases in her own language so that Lily could talk to her in her native tongue. She ends with, ‘Lily is so inclusive and really helps to make the school a better place.’

Year 10 - Chekwa Ogba was nominated by Ms Nathan-Geary who states, ‘He only recently joined Rossett, but already I have noticed he will often bring his paired partner's book along with his own to the front at the end of class or pick up a glue stick from the floor and return it even though another pupil may have used/dropped it.   Many pupils have said "he is so nice and helpful".

Mr O’Sullivan nominated Harry Cadwallader and Max Bridge for ‘clearing up rubbish on the 3G of their own accord. They noticed that there was rubbish everywhere after people had used the pitch at the weekend and instead of doing the lesson warm up, they grabbed a bin and decided to clean up instead. Talk about respecting their environment!’ The students make me proud to be a member of staff at Rossett.

 "Remember there's no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end." - Scott Adams 

Heroes 2605

Headteachers AwardHeadteacher Friday 5 Awards

Well done to all of the students who received a Headteachers Award this week.  These students have been nominated by members of staff for exemplifying Rossett School's 4Rs culture of  learning.  This week's winners are:

  • Georgia Ingles (Year 7)
  • Freddie Fletcher (Year 8)
  • Dan Wiggans (Year 9)
  • Onwuchekwa Ogba (Year 10)

Assessment Information for Key Stage 3 Students

Key Stage 3 (Year 7-9) end of year assessments that will take place during lesson time between Monday 12th and Friday 30th June. These assessments will measure a range of skills and knowledge that have been taught over the course of the year, which are important for progression onto the next stage of the curriculum. The assessments will also allow teachers to establish any gaps in knowledge/skills that have arisen so that intervention can be planned and so that future teaching can be adapted accordingly.

A letter with further details and guidance has been sent to all parents/carers in Year 7-9 this afternoon.  

Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Practice Expedition

The weather was in our favour for the second Duke of Edinburgh weekend of the year last week. 45 of Rossett's finest Year 10 students battled through the sun, sweat and (sometimes) tears to complete their Bronze practice expedition competently. 

Miss Taswell, our Duke of Edinburgh Coordinator,  commented that the students were an absolute credit to the school;  they were complimented on their behaviour and conduct by the public on both days. True resilience shone through when a group of students were confronted with a field of waist high nettles, a mere one  mile away from their pick-up point on Sunday. Cue Jenny Crossley leading the way with her rucksack and rolling out her sleeping mat like a red carpet for the rest of her team- what a legend! A glorious and fun-filled weekend was had by all. 

 Bronze 1

Bronze 3

Bronze 2

Acclaimed Author Visits Rossett and other news from the LRC

Roman centurions riding velociraptors, maps of monster islands, how to have fun writing stories, our wonderful friends from Imagined Things bookshop and a wonderful audience of Year 7 student listening attentively for nearly an hour and what do you have? A visit from award winning children’s author Vashti Hardy as she talked about her latest book Serpent of the Sands part of the Brightstorm Chronicles.

This was a fascinating, interesting, exciting morning with a bookish buzz in the air.  After half term there will a follow up competition where we will delve deeper into Vashti’s incredible worlds and stories with signed copies to be won and devoured.  A group of pupils who had ordered a signed copy of the book got to spend some further time with Vashti whilst they got their books signed.  She loved our library, appears to have stolen a couple of students surnames for future characters (the heroes, not the villains of course) and also met our student librarians.  A great morning.

Whilst I mention our student librarians I would like to thank them for the huge effort they have made in the past couple of weeks as we have had a major re-organisation here in Rossett LRC HQ.  More details to come as it remains a work in progress but my thanks goes to Millie in Year 9 for the initial idea and inspiration ably supported by Dan, Ollie and Iona also in Year 9 AND the Year 10 student librarians Tallulah, Mia, Holly and Matan were also very supportive. Shifting over 4,000 books into a new layout is no easy task and there were a couple of minor bookish breakdowns (mine not theirs) but the new layout by Genre has already made a difference  and I should have done it months ago!  Millie, for the record, you were right, I was wrong.

Well, half term beckons with a really great weather forecast and you shall find me reading in the garden.  But which book first?

Have a great and bookish half term everyone.

Mr Asker

Author visit

Look out for new Extra-Curricular Clubs after half term

We have some exciting new clubs starting after half term.  These will appear on the extra curricular timetable after the break.

Bring you own board Game Miss Tolliday Wednesday lunch H1
Media/Movie Club Miss Tolliday Wednesday lunch R8
Origami (and other crafts) Mrs Phelps Thursday lunch T4
Dance/Choreography Miss Lewis Monday Lunch DW1
Photography club Mr McKenzie Thursday afterschool A1
Art Club Miss Kidd Thursday lunch Art Dept
KS3 Science Club 7-9 Miss Hunt Wednesday lunch TBD
Cultural Club MFL Staff Tuesday lunch R8


Sixth form Newsletter - May 2023

Please click here for this term's Sixth Form Newsletter.

We're hiringCurrent Vacancies

Here are our current  vacancies at Rossett School, including term time only and non-teaching roles. Click HERE for further details.

Lunches logoLunch Menu

Click HERE for the lunch menu for the start of next term.

What's happening after half term...

Monday 5 June

  • Year 12 Chemistry Trip to the University of Huddersfield

Friday 9 June

  • American Exchange students arrive in the UK

Saturday 10 June

  • Transition event for new Year 7 intake

Thursday 15 June

  • Year 12 UCAS Convention

Wednesday 21 June and Thursday 22 June

  • School production: Legally Blonde

Friday 23 June

  • Battlefields Trip departs

Tuesday 27 June

  • Battlefields trip returns

Wednesday 28 June

  • Year 12 The Royal Society of Biology Annual Schools' Quiz - Myerscough College
  • Year 11 Prom

Friday 30 June

  • Music Tour to Belgium departs

Monday 3 July

  • Music Tour returns

Wednesday 5 July

  • Year 13 Prom

Friday 7 - Sunday 9 July

  • DofE Silver qualifying expedition

Monday 10 July

  • Year 12 Work Experience Week
  • DofE Bronze qualifying expedition

Tuesday 11 July

  • DofE Bronze qualifying expedition returns

Wednesday 12 July

  • Year 6 Induction Day     

Thursday 13 July

  • Year 6 Induction Day

Tuesday 18 July

  • Year 7 and Year 8 rewards trip to Flamingo Land

Wednesday 19 July

  • Year 9 and  Year 10 rewards trip to Flamingo Land