Rossett News Update - 2 February 2024
Headteacher Friday 5 Awards
Well done to all of the students who received a Friday 5 Headteacher's Award this week. These students have been nominated by members of staff for exemplifying Rossett School's 5Rs culture of learning. This week's winners are:
- Maaya Handa
- Joshua Sanderson
- Elliot Haywood
- Divija Yadav
- Ammarah Kaleem
- Laura Bailey
- Max Bridge
Sixth Form Taster Event and Open Evening
The Rossett Sixth Form Taster Event will take place on Wednesday 21st February 2024. Year 11 students will have the opportunity to experience life in the Sixth Form; more details will follow shortly.
We would also like to invite all students/parents/carers to our Rossett Sixth Form Open Evening on Wednesday 21st February 2024, between 18:30 and 20:30. There will be talks from Mr Milburn and Mr Keyworth at 18:30 and repeated at 19:30 in the Sixth Form Study Room. There is then the opportunity to speak to subject teachers directly in Rooms H1 to H6. This will allow you the opportunity to find out more about each subject at Post 16 level. Please click this link to book. If the Rossett School car parks are busy, please park at Ashville College.
National Apprenticeships Week
National Apprenticeship Week 2024 takes place next week from the 5th –11th February. It is the 17th annual celebration of apprenticeships, and it shines a spotlight on the value, benefit and opportunity that apprenticeships offer.
The theme for 2024 is “Skills for Life”, and at Rossett we are encouraging students, teachers, and parents to consider how apprenticeships could help young people to develop the skills and knowledge required for a rewarding career.
This week, every student has had the opportunity to learn about apprenticeships during form time. There are also several colourful displays around school that answer key questions, and link apprenticeship roles to the subjects your young person is currently studying, or that they may choose to study in the future.
We hope this is helpful, and if you require further help, please don’t hesitate to contact the Careers Coordinator at
MFL Cultural Trip to Northern France
We are delighted let you know about our Modern Foreign Languages Cultural Trip to Northern France. Students currently in Years 9 and 10, who study GCSE French/Spanish will visit Northern France, between Thursday 12th September and Saturday 14th September 2024. Students will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in language and culture in this beautiful region; they will stay at Château d’Ebblinghem (pictured below), set in a rural location on the Opal Coast
This visit provides a wonderful opportunity for Rossett students to experience many aspects of European culture. The itinerary has been designed to develop conversational and comprehension skills through a range of exciting language-focused excursions and activities, with an emphasis on culture.
The cost of the trip is expected to be £480. To secure a place for your child, we request a deposit of £80 by 9th February. Letters with full details are available from all French/Spanish teachers.
LRC News from M Asker
It has been great to welcome so many Year 11 students into the LRC at break and lunchtime in the past couple of weeks as they prepared for their mock exams. Every student who came in worked hard and took full advantage of everything that the LRC has to offer. One of the things I love most about our LRC is the number of things that do go on at break and lunchtime.
his week I have seen students reading and browsing and drawing comic strips is always very popular. We hosted the largest game of Uno I think I have ever seen (I’m not sure who won) plus students designing maps for a Dungeons and Dragons game. It was also great to see that revision doesn’t just belong to the older students and a group of Year 7 students were diligently preparing for a science test. Plus, students coming in and out to print off coursework, homework, practice papers and revision material. We are always very happy to offer spare paper, spare pens and support for new students as they get to grips with their timetables.
This week I finished reading Billy Connolly’s autobiography and it was great to learn more about his comedy, acting, writing and art. What I hadn’t known before was how much of a bookworm he is and how important his local library was to him when he was growing up in Glasgow. It gave him a lifelong love of reading and he credits the library as being a significant part of his later success and many achievements.
Musicians always say that they would love to have written the happy birthday song as the royalties would be amazing. I wish I had written the brilliant Heartstopper series by Alice Oseman. Demand is so high here in the LRC that I have had to order more copies of the books including the latest. As soon as they are returned a student appears ready at my desk to take it home. Happy reading everyone.
Youth Board Update
On Monday 15 January, we held our sixth Youth Board meeting, welcoming pupil representatives from each of our 14 schools. On the agenda this term was potential rewilding projects for our school grounds, our Trust-wide sustainability progress and how we can improve attendance. You can read all about it here Youth Board Update ( The ideas and views of our young people are shared with the Trustees and Leaders in our Trust, influencing what we do and how we work together as a community.
Fantastic student work...
Pictured below is an aluminium casting project completed by GCSE D&T students as part of the Year 10 course. The students are developing practical wood and metal work skills on the course and have designed a plaque for a client of their choice. They used the laser cutter to make a mould and sand casted the aluminium plaque. They have enjoyed the project and I am sure you will agree have made excellent progress. Well done to all the year 10 D&T students.
PTA Quiz night 2024
Lunch Menu
Stars of the Week...
Next Week's Fixtures...
What's happening this term...
Monday 5 February
- Year 9 DTP (Diphtheria, Tetanus, Polio) and Meningitis ACWY vaccinations
- GCSE Geography field trip 1
Wednesday 7 February
- GCSE Geography field trip 2
Monday 12 - Friday 16 February
- Half Term Break