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Quality in Careers Standard

In January 2019, Rossett School was awarded a national accreditation which recognises the high standards of its careers provision.

The Quality in Careers Standard is awarded to schools and education providers who have demonstrated the importance they place on careers and how they support students to make decisions about their life after school. We are delighted to receive the Quality in Careers Standard Award. It’s a real achievement to go through this accreditation process, and it gives us a flexible framework around our careers work which ensures our students are receiving advice, practical support and experience to prepare them for the world of work in the best possible way.

In the report, the assessor from Prospects, the body that awards the Standard, said careers provision was of a high level and that Rossett offered a comprehensive programme of careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) across all years.

The assessor said that all students had access to up-to-date and differentiated information through a comprehensive range of talks, events, programmes and displays around the school.

Strengths included a committed senior leadership team backed by an active and supportive governing body, “exemplary” commitment to self-evaluation and partnership working , the “innovative” use of Careers Champions within each faculty, strong pastoral support, “excellent” arrangements for work-related learning, and “innovative” ideas to increase parental participation.

Associate Assistant Headteacher Sarah Daly, who is the Career Leader, overseeing careers provision at Rossett, said: “We work hard to improve the chances and opportunities of all out students, and preparing them for their future careers is an important part of this. We offer a range of activities which introduce students to the world of work and help develop their knowledge, skills and experience, so they can successfully go on to the next stage of their education, employment, self-employment or training.”


**UPDATE January 2022: The Quality in Careers Standard Award is maintained for 3 Years. As our award expired on 31st December 2021, we are now working towards re-accreditation once more.




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