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Sixth Form

Post 16 Transport 

Students may apply to the 16-19 Bursary Fund to support Transport costs. For more information and to make an application click here.

NYCC Post 16 transport assistance: 2022-2023

Assistance with transport will be provided to students aged 16 to 18 years old who meet the eligibility criteria as detailed below. Students who are eligible will normally be issued with a travel pass, from the nearest available pick up point, allowing them to make journeys from home to school and back at the beginning and end of the school day. There is a charge for post 16 transport.

Leaflet on Transport for Post-16 Students

Eligibility criteria

To qualify, the following applies:

  • You must be over 16 and under 19 on 1 September 2023 and live in North Yorkshire;
  • You must be attending the nearest school, sixth form or further education college to your home address or it is the sixth form of the secondary school which is recognised as the normal school for the student’s home address;
  • The course attended must be full-time i.e. more than 12 hours a week;
  • The school/college is the nearest establishment offering a course that the Authority consider suitable to a student’s career choice, or that is a pre-requisite for entry into higher education*;
  • The school/college attended is more than three miles from the student’s home by the nearest walked route;
  • Students make a contribution towards their travel costs each year.

*When assessing applications for transport assistance, NYCC look at the combination of subjects a student wishes to study and also the career path they wish to follow. NYCC will check the UCAS website for qualification requirements to see if the subjects are a specific requirement for entry to a higher education course or career the student wishes to follow. Only when the combination of subjects is essential will they approve assistance with transport to a school or college that is not the nearest to the student’s home address. It is rare that a particular subject needs to be studied to access a higher education course, i.e ‘A’ level Law is not an essential entry requirement to study a Law degree.

Please note, students are expected to make their own way to the pickup point. If you live over one mile from the nearest pick-up point, we may be able to offer you a mileage allowance to the pick-up point.

Please click the links below for further information and frequently asked questions before applying for assistance:

If you require any further information please speak to Mr Keyworth or Mr Durbin.