Admissions Information for Sixth Form

Transfer from Year 11 

Existing Year 11 Students at Rossett School wishing to remain at school beyond Year 11 into the Sixth Form will be able to do so providing they meet the minimum entry qualifications as set out below: 

Entry Requirements 

5 GCSE grade 4 or above and/or an average GCSE points score of 4. A Grade 4 in either GCSE English or Maths is required.  Where a Grade 4 in either GCSE English or Maths is not achieved, students will be required to re-sit this subject as their fourth option choice. 

GCSE grade 5 or above is normally required in the subject to be studied at A Level.  The following subjects may be studied without prior knowledge of the subject: 

  • Economics 
  • Media Studies 
  • Music 
  • Sociology 
  • Psychology 
  • Philosophy & Ethics 
  • Performance 

Certain A level subjects require a specific GCSE grade in another subject as part of the entry requirement (see Sixth Form Prospectus for more details). 

Year 12 entry 

Students attending other schools in Year 11 are able to apply for places in Year 12 at Rossett School. All applicants wishing to join the school for the first time in Year 12 are subject to the same entry qualifications as those set out above for existing students. 

The Governing Body of the school will, under section 324 of the Education Act 1996, admit to the school a young person with a statement of special needs or an Education Health & Care Plan (EHCP) that names the school. This is not an oversubscription criterion. This relates only to young people who have undergone statutory assessment and for whom an EHCP has been issued and which has taken account of the Year 12 entry requirements. 

If, following the admission of young people where the school is named in the EHCP, the number of applications to join the school for the first time exceeds the published admission number and further places cannot be provided, then the following oversubscription criteria will apply: 

Order of Priority


Priority Group 1: 

Young people in Public Care for whom an application has been submitted. 

This applies to all looked-after young people, including those who are in the care of another local authority. 

Priority Group 2: 

Young people who will have a sibling on the school roll in September 2023. 

Sibling refers to brother or sister, half brother or sister, adopted brother or sister, step brother or sister, or the child of the parent / carer’s partner where the child for whom the school place is sought is living in the same family unit at the same address as that sibling. 

Priority Group 3: 

All other young people. 


Young people in higher numbered priority groups will be offered places ahead of those in lower numbered priority groups. 

Tie break: 

If there are not enough places for all the young people in one of these priority groups, we will give priority to those living nearest to the school. 

Distance measurements are based on the nearest walked route from the applicant’s home address to school. We measure from a fixed point within the dwelling, as identified by Ordnance Survey, to the nearest school entrance using an electronic mapping system.  

Rossett and HGS Sixth Form Admissions 2026-27 

Rossett School and The Sixth Form at Harrogate Grammar School work in partnership within the Red Kite Learning Trust family of academies. By working together, the partnership offers a greater breadth of provision. This means that students on roll at either school in Years 12-13 may benefit from teaching excellence and the best of the facilities across both sites. Some courses may therefore be delivered at Rossett School, whilst others may be based at Harrogate Grammar School. External applicants to the Sixth Form at either school will equally benefit from the partnership provision. The partnership is an exciting opportunity for a deep collaboration between our schools that enriches post 16 provision for all students. 

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