Rossett News Update - 24 Jan 2025
Japanese Exchange Program
If your child is interested in taking part in the Japanese Exchange, letters are available from Student Reception.
The exchange has been running for over 30 years and we are very excited to welcome students from Ishigami High School in November this year, followed by our visit to Japan in February 2026. In December, we shared some festive cheer by sending handmade Christmas cards to the Japanese students.
The exchange is open to Years 7 to 10 and is an amazing opportunity to experience Japanese culture, traditions and daily life first hand.
For more details or to register your interest, please contact and/or
Mussel Workout
Thanks to the Food Teachers Centre, the Fishmongers' Company, Offshore Shellfish, River Teign Shellfish and DFDS, our students have been preparing and cooking rope-grown mussels this week. We were one of the 200 schools lucky enough to have been selected.
Our Year 10s made Thai green mussels whilst our Year 12s served up moules marinière. They learned new skills and enjoyed tasting their culinary creations!
Congratulations Oliver!
We are very proud to share that one of our Year 12 students, Oliver, has made the national American football team for the U19s, the GB Lions!
Currently playing for the Yorkshire Assassins, he now has an amazing opportunity to compete internationally and represent the UK. Well done!
Fire Drills
We will be covering this in assemblies on the lead up and would ask that you reassure your child/children that staff will be guiding and supporting throughout.
As part of our ongoing commitment to keeping our students safe, we will be conducting a fire drill in the coming weeks.
We'll be discussing the procedure in assemblies leading up to the drill, and we kindly ask that you reassure your children that our staff will be there to guide and support them throughout.
Sustainability Initiative Update
In our ongoing efforts to become a more environmentally friendly school and work toward the goals outlined in our sustainability charter, we have placed new recycling bins in our dining halls and classrooms.
We will be monitoring the use of the bins and would appreciate it if you could encourage your children to use the appropriate bin: general waste, food waste, and dry mixed recycling.
Every little bit helps in our mission to be more sustainable!
Lunch Menu
Headteacher's Awards 
Well done to all the students who received a Headteacher's Award this week and last week. These students have been nominated by members of staff for exemplifying Rossett School's 5Rs culture of learning:
- Theo H - Year 7
- Esme J and Oliver T-B - Year 8
- Audrey J and William C - Year 9
PTA Quiz Night
Join us for the Rossett PTA Annual Quiz Night on Friday 7th March!
Tickets are £12 for adults (going up to £15 after half term!), £10 for children and include a fish and chip supper. With questions set by our very own quiz master, Mr Lee, this is an evening not to be missed. There will be a raffle on the night and we're looking for donations of high-quality raffle prizes to make the night extra special. All proceeds will go towards the PTA fund.
Tickets are available via SCOPAY!